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Fostering Closet NB

Who We Are

Kailha Winter-Smith – Co-Founder and Coordinator of Fredericton Area

I am Kailha Winter-Smith Co-Founder and Coordinator of Fredericton and surrounding area. I am a mom of three Beautiful Boys two of which we adopted from Nunavut from Birth in which we are so blessed, and Logan who’s been in my life since he was three years old when I met his dad (Jason Smith my husband). Jason and I Fostered many children over 6 years before adopting and have done respite over the years. This is why starting Fostering Closet was so important to me because I understand the need.

Aside from Fostering Closet, I work full time at UNB as an Assistive Technologist supporting with and without Disabilities around finding Technology and program options that will support their barriers in academics. I also am a Reservist Officer with Canadian Armed Forces working with their Cadet youth program and Teach Figure Skating and Canskate in the Winter months. I am advocate for people with Disabilities and sit on different boards across NB and Canada.

I would not be able to do any of this without the support of my incredible husband, Jason Smith is also quite active in the Fostering closet. We have both realized the need and love the idea of supporting families that have children in care with things that they need and it also than help with the fact we are not buying new but re using what is already out there but getting donations from other families and people.

Fostering Closet is a labour of love for me, and I look forward to continuing to support families in the years to come.

Brittany Porter – Co-Founder and Coordinator of Woodstock Area

I am Brittany Porter Co Founder and  coordinator for Woodstock and the surrounding area for Fostering Closet NB. I am a bio mom, adoptive mom and a foster mom to many. I have worked full time at a local car dealership for 6 years now. I am active in my local Foster Family Association group. Although my spare time is very little I try to make time for reading, going on walks, visiting my favourite small town- St. Andrews as often as I can and of course making as many memories with my kids as I can!

My journey to Fostering Closet NB started on my parental leave in 2022.  At the time I was not fostering but was really missing being a part of the community. Starting Fostering Closet NB was how I was able to still be involved and feel like I was helping without having foster kids in my home. I know the feeling all too well of getting that phone call for a placement and not being readily prepared. Sometimes when you get these calls it’s in the middle of the night with limited resources to get you access to whatever needs a kiddo may have.

The beginning goal was to have supplies on hand for any family who might be getting that placement call no matter age or gender. Due to the generous donations of our community it blew up and became so much more than that. We have not only been able to help families when they get the placement call- but continue to help provide clothing as these kiddos grow in and out of sizes, provide cribs, car seats, bassinets, swings, toys, bedding, beds, change tables the list goes on and on. We simply would not be able to do this without so many incredible community connections!

Meghan – Coordinator of Saint John Area

Meghan is the coordinator of the Fostering Closet NB in Saint John and surrounding areas. She is passionate about supporting foster families and children in care. She whole heartedly believes that, even if you are not able to be a foster family, there are many ways you can support foster families and children. Everyone can do something! The question is – what is your something?

Meghan is married to her high school sweetheart, Jordan, and they have a border collie dog (Milo) and a tabby cat (Archie). She works full time as an occupational therapist in mental health. In the future, Meghan and Jordan hope to adopt from the public system. But right now, she looks forward to supporting families and children through the Fostering Closet!


A Lepper

Amanda Lepper – Coordinator of Moncton Location

Amanda is a wife to Jarvis, mom to Josiah, Liam and Anna, a teacher of 21 years and a cat mom. She started The Fostering Closet in the Moncton area in honour of her students whom have been or are in the foster care system, a set of twins in particular. The donations and general willingness to donate items to this charity has blown her away, not to mention the willingness and love of the foster families. Her husband and children help sort clothes and stuff bags with clothing and a teddy bear when needs arise.